Individual Addiction Counseling

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At Omnia Counseling, we understand that addiction is a complex and deeply personal struggle that can impact every aspect of your life. Our individual addiction counseling services are designed to provide you with the compassionate support and strategies needed to overcome your challenges. Through a personalized approach that honors your unique journey, we are here to help you reclaim control, find meaning in your recovery, and embrace a life of purpose and fulfillment. Let us walk alongside you as you take the courageous steps towards healing and transformation.

Addiction symptoms and behaviors include, among others:

  • Feeling the need to use the drug or compulsive behavior regularly, which can be daily or multiple times a day
  • Having intense urges for the drug or to engage in the compulsive behavior.
  • Over time, needing more of the drug to get the same effect
  • Being certain that you maintain a supply of the drug
  • Not meeting obligations and work responsibilities
  • Doing things you wouldn’t normally do to get the drug or engage in the compulsive behavior, such as stealing
  • Focusing more and more time and energy on getting and using the drug or engaging in the compulsive behavior
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug or engaging in the compulsive behavior
  • Failed attempts to quit using the drug or engage in the compulsive behavior

If you can relate to any of the above symptoms or behaviors, it may be time to consider addiction counseling.

As an addiction counselor, I will address the symptoms of your addiction and any areas of your life that have been affected. Together, we’ll structure the time and content of your ongoing recovery. I believe there are many paths to successful recovery, and I will work with your goals and desires to ensure you can make the life changes you want to make. Together, we will explore various strategies and approaches to find the one that best fits your needs and aspirations, guiding you towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Our Counselor Has Experience Treating...

  • Substance Abuse
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Behavioral Addictions
    • Gambling
    • Pornography
    • Shopping (Compulsive Buying Disorder)
    • Food Addiction (Compulsive Eating)
    • Gaming
      • Video Gaming
      • Online Gaming
      • Mobile Gaming
      • RPG


Do you need support, but can’t make it to an in-person appointment? 

Do you live in a more rural area, or maybe you prefer to just do things Virtually?

If so, we can help you through virtual appointments, or telehealth.

Telehealth allows us to provide evaluations to clients via live video conferencing. This can be done anywhere you have a computer or smartphone.

Telehealth appointments can be very beneficial if getting to a traditional in-person appointment is not convenient. To utilize this option,  access to a video camera is required. To learn more and get started with a virtual evaluation, please contact us today.